Order, Delivery And Return
Please order on RizikBazar.com website or app. If the customer wants, he can make a phone call subject to the conditions, or he can order by taking a picture of the list of the market and sending it.
Due to the differences, RizikBazar.com has adopted a delivery system based on the principle of "Demand today, get it the next day" to establish some of its own rules. As there is no worry of paying the advance bill, pay the bill after receiving the product.
You can return the product immediately upon receipt of the product from RizikBazar.com deliveryman by showing a valid reason. Unfortunately, we cannot offer you a product refund or exchange after the deliveryman has left.To be eligible for a return, your product must be unused and in the same condition as you. Got to be in that state.It must be in the original packaging. Different types of products are exempt from returns. Perishable products such as processed food, flowers, newspapers or magazines cannot be returned. We also do not accept products that contain intimate or sanitary products, hazardous materials, or flammable liquids or gases.